or Stopgap?
Published on June 28, 2004 By Jelliott In Blogging
GENESIS (and btw f&!k phil collins):

Jelliott: what do you think about the name Gus? Chimay is thinking of naming her son that, i think it kinda rocks.

Gwen: i am first team all gus.

Jelliott: i told her that her son is destined to be a rock star or real estate mogul (given that parents are intellectual nerdy types) so they might as well name him accordingly. she thinks Gus in itself is not a full name so is aiming for Gustav or Augustus (gag me). i said Gus is a full name but for god's sake if she choosing btwn either it's gotta be Gustav i mean for christ's sake augustus is as bad as they come. i believe my exact phrase is "that is child abuse." i think my advice is being taken with a grain of salt however given that i lobbied hard to get her to name her cat axl... and she ended up naming the poor soul percy. people should really listen to me more often. i have good ideas and am in touch with the people. the people have spoken. oh yeah my other choices are Vincent (Vin) P*&&^! or Antonio P*&^%!. how badass am i? jesus, this kid is going to be Augustus Peter P&*^&% if i am not bowed to!

Gwen: i love vincent (vin) and gus is a full name. btw they are morons for not naming their cat axl, morons.

Jelliott: i agree w/you on all accounts. we should start a blog. what should our blog be about?

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